Games and Learning Scholar, Academic Editor for Hire!

Seeking new employment as a professor, academic editor, or general tech geek for education. Also, available for consulting, illustration work, designing games for social good, art games, games that explore morality and human nature, games for STEM learning, ethnographic research on players and communities of awesome, guest lectures, connected learning (digital media and learning), etc. Additionally, PC building, web design and management for non-profits, and techie edu stuff in general are also cool things I like to do

If it involves a problem to be solved and people who need help in an education tech or games sort of way, I’m interested.

I can work independently, but I thrive while collaborating with other creative people interested in helping make the world better for everyone.

Serving on dissertation committees, reviewing papers, giving opinionated advice, ranting about poor games (for learning) designs, rethinking Mass Effect 3 endings, etc. are free.

From here, you can click on the menu above that includes items to check out my book, Leet Noobs, student work samples, and a bunch of games and their write-ups I did in a game-a-week challenge in 2014.

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sporadic ramblings of a gamer in academia